Chapter 1: American English rhythm and breathing basics. <$120 Value>
講師の Aiko Hemingway (は大人になってからの渡米で、英語で苦労してきました。ですので、日本語アクセントのある英語をどのように通じる発音にしていくかという方法に熟知しています。UCLAで言語学を学んだあと、発音を聞くと舌がどう動いているかがイメージできる特技を活かして、通じる発音になるレッスンを提供しています。
Emiko Rasmussen ( による、Email writing, seeking advice, and having a difficult conversationの動画がボーナスとしてついてきます。10年以上アメリカの企業で働いている Emiko Rasmussen からアメリカの仕事の文化が学べます。アメリカで働きたい人、米系企業で働きたい人におすすめの内容です。Emiko is a confidence building coach based in California and a Podcaster.
Your Instructor
Aiko has been teaching American English accents to clients in the US and in Japan. Her teaching style is very unique. She mainly teaches "real" pronunciation which is actually spoken in the US, as opposed to textbook pronunciation. She focuses on practicality and effectiveness. Her material includes American rhythm, breathing, intonation, stress, reduction and linking as well as vowels and consonants. She majored in linguistics at a university, specializing in phonetics, phonology, intonation and language acquisition. She speaks English as a second language, acquired English after becoming an adult. She understands English learners struggles very well since she has gone through the same moments. Not only she understands other's struggles, but also she is able to visualize how the tongue is moving and is able to give specific instructions in her lessons.
Course Curriculum
PreviewSection 1: The Most Important Thing for Speaking English (4:26)
StartSection 2: Facial Muscles (3:25)
StartSection 3: Breathing (3:51)
StartSection 4: Throat (1:52)
StartSection 5: Fix Voice (2:58)
StartSection 6: American Rhythm (3:47)
StartSection 7: Rhythm (3:34)
StartSection 8: Length (2:21)
StartSection 9: Textbook vs Real Pronunciation Pt 1 (4:51)
StartSection 10: Thought Chunking (2:54)
StartSection 11: When to Pause (4:45)
StartSection 12: Intonation (1:51)
StartSection 13: Take a Breath (1:10)
StartSection 14: Don’t Run (4:39)
StartChapter 1 Review